A Veneers Dentist Can Transform Your Smile In Time for The Holidays

veneersBy visiting a local veneers dentist, you can have your dream smile in time for holiday photos.  Most adults don’t like something about their smile.  Whether it is a dark stain that won’t come off or a gap between your two front teeth, cosmetic dentistry can correct the problem and do so before the holidays. The process can take a few weeks so if you want to give yourself the gift of a beautiful smile, we recommend scheduling an appointment right away.Before getting started, we will examine your teeth to make sure that you don’t have any cavities or oral infections.  If you do, it is important to treat them before starting any cosmetic dentistry procedures since healthy teeth will heal faster, and the procedure will be more comfortable if there aren’t any infections to worry about.Once ready, we will make an impression of your teeth.  This is necessary for ensuring that the veneers are created in the right size and shape for your natural teeth.  As a veneers dentist, we place the veneers directly on top of your natural teeth so getting this part right is essential.  If you are only having them placed on a few teeth, they will also be made to match the current shade of your natural teeth.  If you don’t like how yellow they are, you should have your teeth whitened first.  If they are being placed on all of your teeth, this won’t be an issue.It normally takes around two weeks for a dental lab to create your veneers. During this time, we will prepare your teeth by removing a small portion of the enamel that lies on the surface.  This ensures that the veneers will lie flat, and your teeth won’t look large or bulky.  Even though only a small amount is removed, your teeth will feel slightly sensitive so we will place temporary veneers on your teeth in order to protect them.  They will be secured in place using removable glue that is water-based so that they can be removed at a later date.  During this time frame, you should be careful not to brush your teeth too aggressively or eat any hard foods.When the lab is done, you will come back in so that the permanent veneers can be bonded to your teeth.  As a veneers dentist, we will use this time to make sure that they look perfect before attaching them.  If any small adjustments need to be made we can typically do so in-house so that the procedure is not delayed.  After bonding them to your teeth, you may feel sensitive for a few days, so we advise eating soft foods and taking it easy. Once healed, you can eat all of your favorite foods and enjoy your holiday meal without feeling any discomfort.This can be the year that you smile boldly in holiday photos.  To get started, schedule your appointment right away.

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