Dental Implants Look Amazing and Are Easy to Care For

Dental Implants
If you want to replace missing teeth, dental implants are the ideal solution. They look and feel like natural teeth and are easy to take care of once installed. 

 Unlike dentures, that have to be taken out and cleaned, implants remain in your mouth permanently and are cared for like natural teeth.  Simply brush, floss, and visit the dentist twice a year to keep your new teeth in good health. 

Dr. Aaron Moneyhan is an expert cosmetic dentist that helps patients to regain their confidence and the functionality of their teeth.  This is important, as the ability to eat and speak normally is essential for enjoying life, your favorite foods, and conversation.  Many patients that wear dentures find that it is difficult to do these simple tasks since dentures can easily become loose while eating or speaking. 

Fortunately, there is a better way.  Dental implants are a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth that, once installed, will not move out of place or become loose while eating.  You can eat all of your favorite foods without fear or concern over what will happen when you do.  Even your favorite caramel apple is fair game with a dental implant. 

In order to qualify for the procedure, your gums and jawbone needs to be in good condition.  If you have gum disease, this will need to be treated prior to proceeding with the implant procedure.  Once cleared, a mold will be taken of your mouth in order for the dental lab to create your new tooth or teeth.  They will be perfectly matched to the surrounding ones in both size, shape and color.  If you want a whiter smile, it is important to have a professional teeth whitening prior to having a new tooth created.  This way your teeth will all match when the procedure is complete. 

Dr. Aaron Moneyhan will start the procedure by implanting a metal piece under your gum line and securing it to your jawbone.  The two components will fuse together in order to create a durable synthetic root system that is as strong, if not stronger, than your natural roots.  It will take several months for your gums to heal and in the meantime you may want to wear a temporary denture.  Once healed, a second metal piece will be attached to the first at the surface of the gum line, providing a secure anchor for the new tooth to be attached to.

Dr. Moneyhan will position the tooth perfectly so that it is completely straight, symmetrical, and in-line with the surrounding teeth.  The end result is a beautiful looking smile that looks and feels completely natural. 
Dental implants are easier to care for than dentures since they never need to be removed.  As long as you maintain a good oral hygiene routine at home, your implant will stay healthy.  Make sure that you also visit the dentist twice a year for regular teeth cleanings so that all of your teeth and gums will stay healthy.  As an added benefit, implants are stain resistant so replacing all of your front teeth with implants can help your smile to look youthful for a longer period of time.

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